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Docker: Swarm (part 4)

This was something , which intrigued me for the past few months. I couldnt find time to work on this docker item until today. The concept in using Docker to build your own unique cluster farm of bots was quite kool. One can make as many worker bees in a single cluster farm as long as there is DISK and RAM space available. I will provide one example on how i was able to build a simple cluster using Docker and Docker-tools.

1) Docker
2) Docker-Toolbox

In order for us to build a simple docker cluster bots, we must create a BOSS worker agent then create other worker bees in this exact order.

I am assuming you are on linux/mac since windows docker worker agents will be a whole different beast, where one has to deal with, when comes to building a docker cluster bot farm aka a Borg Collective.

1) docker-machine create --driver virtualbox boss1
2) docker-machine ip boss1
3) docker-machine ssh boss1

so now, we are inside boss1 the container, we must initialize the boss1 to become the BOSS in this docker Cluster.

1) docker swarm init --advertise-addr boss1_IP_addr
it returns something like this:

docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-5qualk27cjkwaplb1j7zn88me2zlxqe7owe1cn2c2s14wb2mpt-3liv5iz5sz9c8j6jtd3w5nql8

2) docker node ls
it returns something like this:

88ruvvd93cwd7cp4jt5u1tkwg * boss1 Ready Active Leader 19.03.5

So now, you can see that this container had became a cluster leader in our swarm. We must now add other worker bees to our cluster (Borg Collective). We must now fire-up another terminal tab in your OS to create additional worker containers (repeat this task below to create more borgs/bees by changing work1 to work2 or *workN).

*where workN , N is a number.

1) docker-machine create --driver virtualbox work1
2) docker-machine ip work1
3) docker-machine ssh work1

Now, we would need to paste that command from above to allow this worker1 to join the BOSS Collective.

4) docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-5qualk27cjkwaplb1j7zn88me2zlxqe7owe1cn2c2s14wb2mpt-3liv5iz5sz9c8j6jtd3w5nql8

Its weird how this worked so well, but continue to open a new tab and run steps 1,2,3 in creating additional worker borg agents then add the BOSS ID to each of the worker bees (depending how many you wish to make). These steps did worked ! After creating a dozen or so bots, you can install all kinds of opensource software unto them and allow the BOSS to control the worker bees/borgs aka swarm/collective.

If you do decide for your worker bees to get out of your swarm. In each of the workers, one can execute including the leader.

docker swarm leave

once outside of the swarm cluster, you can use the commands to stop the instances/containers and delete them by using the following commands.

docker-machine stop work2
docker-machine rm work2

docker-machine stop work1
docker-machine rm work1

docker-machine stop boss1
docker-machine rm boss1

Happy Dockering !

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