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Hello netizens,

I've enjoyed using many of the Opensource tools for over 20 years, trying to contribute some of my Free time to several Opensource projects. I have compiled several tools I've been using from the Opensource Community.

Lua Programming Language v5.4.6 for Windows is available here:

if you download the lua*.7z, you can place it anywhere unto your Windows OS. With the installer, it will go into the C:\ drive. This is the 32bit version, there is no 64bit compiled version at the moment.

Hello netizens,

I've enjoyed using many of the Opensource tools for over 20 years, trying to contribute some of my Free time to several Opensource projects. I have compiled several tools I've been using from the Opensource Community.

Tiny Curl v8.7.1 for windows x86 and x64 are available here:

Simply, un-7zip it and slap it anywhere unto your Windows OS. There is no installer for this Opensource product.

Created a special installation file to install Apache v2.4.59, MariaDB v10.11.7 and PHP v8.2.17 to Windows x86_64. My goals were to build this in a simplistic form by using scripts to run the services instead of running it as a native Background process upon starting the OS. Also, upgrading to a new version of PHP, apache and Mariadb would be fairly straightforward. one has to copy the binary files for each of the respective software along with replacing its dll files to the location in C:\wamp\php, C:\wamp\httpd\, C:\wamp\mariadb. The only item to preserve for each of the WAMP software is the CONFIG files.

You can install it using the NSIS exe installer and take all the defaults. it wont work if you plan on installing the software anywhere but C:\wamp . None of the config files can dynamically be altered during installation when using either installation method. You can certainly install it elsewhere but you must configure each of the {my.ini, php.ini, httpd.conf} config files to reflect upon your environment. I've taken all of the default settings in all of the config files with some changes to PATHs.

For the secondary install approach, Simply extract the wamp*.7z file to your C-Drive. There is a README file on how to get things started in your environment C:\wamp\README . We recommend anyone should take advantage of the building scripts to run both Apache 2.4.59 and MariaDB 10.11.7.

There was an issue with Apache Apache HTTP Server 2.4 vulnerabilities - The Apache HTTP Server Project , Updated the overall package with the new HTTPD 2.4.59.

Default installation locations:


Scripts for apache

Scripts for mariadb

There is no script I've made for PHP. You must create a bat file or set the Windows Environmental variable to activate the php.exe.

set php=c:\wamp\php
set PATH=%php%;%PATH%

It would be best if you first ran the initialize_Db.cmd to build the default MariaDB tables. There is no root password after the initial DBs have been built. You must then need to find a SQL statement to alter the root password and locate a second SQL statement to add another root-like user to your DB environment.

Download from here: