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Hello netizens,

I've enjoyed using many of the Opensource tools for over 20 years, trying to contribute some of my Free time to several Opensource projects. I have compiled several tools I've been using from the Opensource Community.

Lua Programming Language v5.4.6 for Windows is available here:

if you download the lua*.7z, you can place it anywhere unto your Windows OS. With the installer, it will go into the C:\ drive. This is the 32bit version, there is no 64bit compiled version at the moment.

Hello netizens,

I've enjoyed using many of the Opensource tools for over 20 years, trying to contribute some of my Free time to several Opensource projects. I have compiled several tools I've been using from the Opensource Community.

Tiny Curl v8.7.1 for windows x86 and x64 are available here:

Simply, un-7zip it and slap it anywhere unto your Windows OS. There is no installer for this Opensource product.

Created a special installation file to install Apache v2.4.59, MariaDB v10.11.7 and PHP v8.2.17 to Windows x86_64. My goals were to build this in a simplistic form by using scripts to run the services instead of running it as a native Background process upon starting the OS. Also, upgrading to a new version of PHP, apache and Mariadb would be fairly straightforward. one has to copy the binary files for each of the respective software along with replacing its dll files to the location in C:\wamp\php, C:\wamp\httpd\, C:\wamp\mariadb. The only item to preserve for each of the WAMP software is the CONFIG files.

You can install it using the NSIS exe installer and take all the defaults. it wont work if you plan on installing the software anywhere but C:\wamp . None of the config files can dynamically be altered during installation when using either installation method. You can certainly install it elsewhere but you must configure each of the {my.ini, php.ini, httpd.conf} config files to reflect upon your environment. I've taken all of the default settings in all of the config files with some changes to PATHs.

For the secondary install approach, Simply extract the wamp*.7z file to your C-Drive. There is a README file on how to get things started in your environment C:\wamp\README . We recommend anyone should take advantage of the building scripts to run both Apache 2.4.59 and MariaDB 10.11.7.

There was an issue with Apache Apache HTTP Server 2.4 vulnerabilities - The Apache HTTP Server Project , Updated the overall package with the new HTTPD 2.4.59.

Default installation locations:


Scripts for apache

Scripts for mariadb

There is no script I've made for PHP. You must create a bat file or set the Windows Environmental variable to activate the php.exe.

set php=c:\wamp\php
set PATH=%php%;%PATH%

It would be best if you first ran the initialize_Db.cmd to build the default MariaDB tables. There is no root password after the initial DBs have been built. You must then need to find a SQL statement to alter the root password and locate a second SQL statement to add another root-like user to your DB environment.

Download from here:

Installers for Python

I've decided to create two versions of the python software as a relatively Silent installer to be run on the Command Prompt. One version for the 3.9.x series and one for 3.10.x series as well as 3.11.x on github.

*Updated; I have branch out the python script to this one centralized location for both MAC and Windows users:

Simply Choose the filename with the "cs".

Often time, I found myself needing to use a more sophisticated method in signing a document for sharing. It is this notion where we could use PGP developed by Phil Zimmermann or the Opensource version referred to as GPG. We will demonstrate how to create a simple GPG key and how to delete it in your keychain. Again, we will be using a Linux distro called Rocky to demonstrate this task. On a vanilla minimalistic version of rocky Linux. One would need to install one software before generating your GPG key.

sudo dnf install pinentry
Gen GPG key

The next part will be confirming that we've made such key locally.

GPG list-keys

Finally, removing your public/private keys arent difficult, there are two commands to execute before removing your public and private key from your local keyring.

gpg --delete-secret-key AA1A53D25DFAAE879DE28BFDBD4432D34D059D29
gpg --delete-key AA1A53D25DFAAE879DE28BFDBD4432D34D059D29

This is a simple tutorial to run through on how to generate a few of the ssh keys public/private key pair Authentication. When it comes to using DSA and RSA, they are been phased out due to the vulnerability of these two cryptographic algorithms. It is not recommended to use either algorithm on any production systems. We will demonstrate how to generate these keys using a Linux OS called Rocky inside a host environment via Vmware. The third algorithm is much more secure and can be used in any production environment. This is a new cryptographic algorithm called ed25519, which is highly recommended over RSA and DSA.

gen RSA key

so, the RSA key was created inside a VM. I initially had to create a new directory called .ssh in my home directory. My procedures are as follows.

mkdir .ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C
# You can also specify the name of your cryptoGraphic Key file inside this command.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f .ssh/myPrivateKey -C

Here is an example of how to generate DSA key pair.


Finally, we will use ED25519 cryptographic algorithm to generate this key, which can be used on github, bitbucket, and gitlab.

Gen ed25519

As you can see, one can simply generate all these keys on linux and even on windows as well by using putty or inside powershell. My final image will be to show the keys generated by each of the above cryptographic algorithms.

Crypto keys

This is hopefully somewhat educational.

After all these years working on Linux in the server environment, I was finally able to configure the console resolution upon booting from an auto-size screen to a custom-size screen. It is simply by adding two lines of GRUB environment values to /etc/default/grub and altering a variable called GRUB_COMMAND_LINUX to include at the end vga=0x0342.


As you can see, line 2 and line 3 were added as well as line 8 was altered to include vga=0x0342 or vga=ask. If you wish to have the system display the availability of screen size resolution upon reboot, you should say vga=ask, otherwise, vga=0x0342 will work upon reboot. So, our next phase will be to compile a new grub boot. on Vmware Workstation on windows v16.x.x and VMFusion on Mac, they both will take this configuration since I've tested on both systems.

As root:

sudo su -
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

now, Your linux boot loader Framebuffer should be larger. In a matter of fact, it should now be with a resolution of 1152 by 864 with 24 bit.

Continuing after we've compiled Python on Windows 11 from source code, we would then need to package this using the MSIX package manager tool to build and installer. Thankfully, the Python source code will include such tools for us to build our custom package by using the build script provided to us in the following location.

Python Package Build Location

We can then Follow some basic instructions to compile additional source code and find out how to build this installer package by executing the build.bat file.

Package builder Script

Now we have learned how to use this build.bat file, we can issue this command along with three parameters to build this deliverable package for the masses.

Building Documentations, where there might be some warnings or errors

Building Documentations.

Done building Package w/Warning

The Final Phrase will be to check whether we have 100% completed this package Building Phrase using this build.bat tool provided to us from

the final Image will be the location for us to find this Python Installer package. It is not the Installer package from since their version is digitally signed and verified.

Our Custom version of Python v3.9.11-7750


I was extremely curious about how to build a version of Python 3.9.x {x64/x86} on a Windows 10/11 machine for the longest time. Finally, I've found an hour to learn how to pursue this system engineering topic (System build process aka Build Engineering) on compiling my unique version of Python 3.9.x on windows.

Thanks to All the Opensource Contributors on writing scripts to automate most of this process, I was able to follow instructions when building a version of Python 3.9.x.

First, one must install the following tools from Microsoft: Visual Studio 2019.

Visual Studio

We then would require the necessary packages in our VS 2019.

VS Packages

After installing Additional Packages for VS 2019, we would now need to use the CMD Prompt to generate some additional files after downloading the tgz compressed file python v.3.9.10 source code from After decompressing this tarball file, we now have Python-3.9.10 Directory, where all the files have been extruded from this tarball.

compiling AMD x64 bit version

There are options when comes to compiling, I took the recommended approach. It is likely not to follow recommended instructions when compiling initially, but on generating a debug version first to test a custom compiled version of Python v3.9.10 is appropriate. The goal was to test whether SSL was included upon compiling.

build.bat -e -d -p x64
build.bat -e -d -p x86
build.bat -e -p x86
build.bat -e -p x64

As shown above, one can certainly build the debug version to test then build the actual non-debug version of Python.

Once the above process has been completed, we must then look for a file called pcbuild.sln to compile either the 32 or 64 bit version of our python software once we had executed the build.bat configuration file.

BInary python Debug

Once the final process has been completed, we can execute the python_d.exe file in our CMD prompt to see if it was compiled successfully. it is now working perfectly, we can then reconfigure the build.bat switch to remove the -d switch and recompiled a final product of python.exe.